Courses and Coaching and Gatherings (oh my)
But first, a little about The Desire Map
Click the little golden button to the right to receive a FREE 5 day mini series to inspire simplicity + clarity.
Pause for a minute and consider . .
do you feel the way you want to feel in your life?
Are you aching to feel Free? Purposeful? Connected? Lit up? Easeful? or even a little Magical?
Do you sometimes feel, instead, like you're pushing yourself to meet your own expectations (or someone else’s!) of what your life should look like?
In the whirl of resolutions and plans and goals, it’s easy to get lost in the should’s… the exercise we should do, the career path we should take, the milestones we should be hitting. And it's easy to not even realize that this is what's causing us to feel bound up, tight, tired, and maybe just a little more irritable than we want to be.
Here’s the thing...
When all those goals you think you want to hit end up feeling heavy… you have to wonder, what is the point of them again?
It’s a valid question. Are they really the things that YOU want?
But wait a minute! There are certain things that are supposed to make you happy, right? Certain accomplishments that are absolute signs of success…. right?
Here's the truth. The truth that you just don’t hear everyday...
It’s supposed to look different.
We are not carbon copies of each other. One size does not fit all. My success and my happiness and the things that make me feel alive are not going to look exactly the same as yours.
The Joneses do not have the answer. Neither does your mother (no offense mom). Your best friend, the neighbor down the street, the girl you went to collage with, that style / mommy / business / follow-your-bliss blogger that you follow does not have the answer to what will truly create a life you love.
...Let me tell you about a little thing cooked up by Danielle LaPorte called, The Desire Map...
The Desire Map is a process that radically reframes the way goals are traditionally approached. Turns the whole concept of goal setting and to-do listing right on it’s head.
Because “you’re not chasing the goal itself - you’re chasing the feelings that you hope attaining those goals will give you.” (Danielle LaPorte, author of The Desire Map)
In all that striving to meet other people’s expectations, a lot of us have lost sight of why we really have all those things on our mental checklist.
The Desire Map is an amazing tool to snap you out of it, re-root you by identifying what you most desire and get you moving towards that life that feels right for you.
What if you started deliberately moving towards the things that actually align with the way that you want to feel. With each day and each decision.
How do you want to feel . . .
when you wake up in the morning?
when you go to work?
when you look in the mirror?
when someone asks you how you’ve been?
when you turn out the lights at night?
Are you willing to switch out of auto-pilot and take action on those things that reflect how you most want to feel?
Are you willing to drop the things that don’t align?
This work is transformational and deeply personal.
This work is powerful when done in community.
Sharing guidance, releasing limitations, anchoring in declarations, and moving forward with clear intention and direction.
This work has lit this gorgeous spark in me and has nudged me into an amazing sense of permission.
Let me give you a glimpse into the possibilities.
Click the little golden button for more about current courses inspired by the Desire Map
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